Woah! This day was one of the best days I ever had. I sat for around 3.5 hours straight. Although it could have been more productive but still, sitting 3.5 hours, without any distractions is a big deal for me.
I'm following Angela Yu's Web Dev Course.
She teaches API, just after the basics of Node and Express. I think that was a perfect point to introduce them. You know, I reached this module around a month ago, but I'm soo inconsistent. Nevertheless, I started it again and that's what matters.
Now that I know the basics of API, it feels like a whole new window is open for me. Now I can think of a lot of cool and fun stuff that I can do. I tried to have look at some popular APIs like Twitter's, and tbh those were a bit confusing. I was struggling with reading documentation. If you have any tips for documentation reading, plz let me know. I guess I need to take it slowly.
Though, for now, I learned to connect to the Server and send HTML files from it. But I'm not able to use CSS as I want. Maybe I need something called EJS, heard someone mentioning it. Let's See whatever happens.
For now I feel I'm gonna play (and struggle) more with APIs.
Thanks for Reading! Will meet you tomorrow.